1.  Scripts & Content Calendar – CLICK HERE to get a copy of a few scripts which you can use as points of reference for some of your videos

2.  Howard Chung 2022 Influencer Workshop slides CLICK HERE

3.  Post workshop follow-up items:

1. Be sure to create a repeating/recurring calendar event for “Calendaring, Collecting, Categorizing, and Campaigning” at least once per week where you are committed to connecting with people through video, email, zoom, text, social, face-to-face, etc. The link to the content calendar can be found in the Scripts #1 above.

2. Work on your Objectives and Key Results (OKRs).  Here’s a link to the book, Measure What Matters by John Doerr https://www.amazon.com/Measure-What-Matters-Google-Foundation/dp/0525536221/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1549516618&sr=8-3&keywords=measure+what+matters

3. Work on your CRM/Database including name, telephone, email address, home address, home value, where they want to move next, etc.  Don’t forget about the the UCR Labs as a great resource: http://ultimateclientrelationship.com

4. Purchase Tools such as microphone, tri-pod, ring light, and Osmo Pocket video camera/gimbal https://www.amazon.com/ideas/amzn1.account.AGIZY4Y5I6EE5VRGQKHAORS3QR7A/N75YFDZLIFRC

5. Create a free Zoom account and practice sharing your screen with one another.  Then be sure to send the calendar invite to clients and give them a market update!  https://zoom.us/ 

6. Download the Google Photos App on your Phone and send one on one videos by sharing the video link once uploaded to Google Photos from your phone.  You can share the photo link through text but DO NOT try to send the massive native video file through SMS/MMS.  Alternatively, sign up for a bombbomb account http://bombbomb.com/johnlscott

7. Grab ‘B-Roll’ video footage every time you’re previewing, showing homes, out in the neighborhoods, etc.  Remember they should be 3-5 second clips (don’t worry about your audio for these clips).  Create an archive of video clips in the cloud like Dropbox or Google Photos (download the app and login at https://photos.google.com/)

8. Download the Promptsmart Pro app https://promptsmart.com/ for your phone and use the teleprompter function.  Write scripts of hyper-local communities like your favorite neighborhoods, streets, sub-divisions, restaurants, plazas, etc.

9. Try out https://www.wevideo.com/ (mobile app and web versions) and/or Canva.com to bring together your video clips and voiceover to tell a story of your community, neighborhood, interviews with clients, local business owners, school teachers, etc.

10. Visit johnlscottboost.com and be sure to start a boosting campaign (re-marketing) to your spheres of influence with these videos!

Thanks and be sure to send me examples of some of your videos!

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